
Young Adult
Christmas Party
Monday, Dec 16 • 6:30pm

CHC Young Adults are having a Christmas Party on Monday, December 16 at 6:30pm at Patsy & Rusty Duke's Home (425 W. Longmeadow Rd).  Dinner will be served and please bring a gift (under $15) to participate in our gift exchange.

Christmas Caroling
Saturday, Dec 21 • 1:30pm

Join us at Spring Arbor (2097 W Arlington Blvd, Greenville) at 1:30pm on Saturday, December 21 for Christmas Caroling! We will bless the residents there and then possibly travel to a few other places as time allows. Everyone is invited, but RSVP so we know how many to prepare for.

Kids Christmas Play
Sunday, Dec 22 • 10:30am

CHC Kids invites children & grandchildren of all ages to participate in a short Christmas play during worship on Sunday, December 22 at 10:30am. No practice needed and costumes are provided. All kids should meet at Room 102 for costumes. Contact for more info or to participate.

Christmas Eve Service
Tuesday, Dec 24 • 5pm

Christ Hope Church will be holding a 5:00pm Worship Service on Christmas Eve (12/24) in Building B. We will celebrate the birth of our Savior during worship and conclude with a special candle lighting time.

Family Prayer Tree
Month of December

Come decorate and write your family's name on an ornament to be placed on our CHC Family Prayer Tree in the lobby.

Membership Class
January 22 • 5:30pm

Are you interested in learning more about Christ Hope Church? Come to our 'Discovering CHC Membership Class'! It's an opportunity to hear about CHC's mission, values, beliefs, what does it mean to be a member and ask questions. We gather in House 1 (4005 Corey Rd) at 5:30pm on Wednesday, January 22 for this hour time together.

Marriage & Family Sessions
January 24-25

Jim Burns, a long-time national speaker, will be joining us live to help strengthen our marriages and families. Covenant Church and Christ Hope Church are partnering for these sessions dedicated to building strong and lasting marriages and families.
There is no cost for sessions, but please sign-up for the ones that you feel best fit your needs.  
- Friday night (6-8pm): “Creating an Intimate Marriage”
- Saturday morning (9-11am): “Confident Parenting”
- Saturday afternoon (1-3pm): "Raising Your Adult Children"

Soup & Chili Cook-Off
Tuesday, January 28 • 6-7:30pm

Christ Hope Church invites all adults for a fun time of competition and tasting amazing soups & chilis. On Tuesday, January 28 from 6:00-7:30pm in the Building B worship space you will be given the opportunity to determine who makes the best chili & soup surrounded by your church family!
The CHC Youth Group will be providing childcare in Room 102 with pizza, movie & games. Please RSVP your kids by emailing
If you would like to cook a soup or chili for the competition, please email Holli at

Calendar of Events