Missions & Muffins
Sunday, February 9 • 9:15am
Christ Hope Kids invite all 3rd-5th graders to Sunday School on February 9 at 9:15am as we work on a missions to impact our community.

Testimony Class
Starts February 9 • 3-5pm
This class is for 6th-9th graders who have a desire to learn about the fundamentals of the Christian faith, have the opportunity to become a church member, the opportunity to be baptized, and build up their faith on retreat with the class! Registration is $50 which covers all class materials and costs of the retreat!
Schedule: 1st Session - February 9th, 2nd Session - February 16th, 3rd Session February 23rd, 4th Session - March 2nd
Retreat: March 28-29th
Testimony Celebration Service: April 6th
Schedule: 1st Session - February 9th, 2nd Session - February 16th, 3rd Session February 23rd, 4th Session - March 2nd
Retreat: March 28-29th
Testimony Celebration Service: April 6th

Prayer & Healing Service
February 16 • 12pm
Join us after worship on Sunday, February 16 for a time to pray or be prayed for. Immediately after worship, there will be sub sandwiches for lunch followed by our prayer time in the worship center. Please RSVP for lunch.
Philippians 4:6 - Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
Philippians 4:6 - Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

Membership Class
February 19• 5:30pm
Are you interested in learning more about Christ Hope Church? Come to our 'Discovering CHC Membership Class'! It's an opportunity to hear about CHC's mission, values, beliefs, what does it mean to be a member and ask questions. We gather in House 1 (4005 Corey Rd) at 5:30pm on Wednesday, February 19 for this hour time together.

Ash Wednesday
March 5 • 7pm
Come join us as we start the season of Lent with an Ash Wednesday Service on March 5 at 7pm in Room 102. Please use the Corey Road entrance for parking.

Women's Social
March 9 • 2-4pm
CHC Women’s ministry is having a floating Coffee/Tea Social for the women of the church, this includes your teen daughters and granddaughters, on Sunday, March 9th from 2:00pm to 4:00pm at Patsy Duke’s house, 425 W Longmeadow Road, Greenville, NC, Please RSVP to attend.

Women's Spring Luncheon
Thursday, April 3
CHC Women’s Ministry is inviting all ladies to their 3rd annual Spring Luncheon on Thursday, April 3. at 12pm. Special Guest Speaker will be Cleere Cherry Reaves at Rock Springs Center (4025 NC Highway 43 N, Greenville, NC 27834). Tickets are $35 per person and are going fast. Get yours today by contacting Holli Williams or purchase them before and after worship.

Palm Sunday
April 13 • 10:30am
Join us for Worship on Palm Sunday at 10:30am on April 13. KIDS COME WAVE PALM BRANCHES! Meet in Room 102 at10:20am for your palms. Let us welcome Jesus into our hearts!

Easter for Kids
April 20 • 9:15am
Our Children’s Ministry Team is excited to bring the story of Jesus' Resurrection to life! This year, our PreK -5th Graders will embark on a meaningful journey where they’ll hear the Gospel and discover the Empty Tomb. Along the way, they’ll enjoy fun Easter-themed games, participate in a Butterfly Release, and create a yummy "empty tomb" snack craft. Join us to celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior on April 20 at 9:15 AM in House 4.